tutorial, object-adapter-example, architecture,

01.Adapter - object-adapter-example

Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 21, 2025 · 8 mins read
01.Adapter - object-adapter-example
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Convert an interface of a class to another one, which a client expects.


You might have an application which is used to working with a domain-specific interface and you want to integrate into it a third-party library whose code you don’t have access to. The third-party lirary uses a different incompatible interface.

Via the Adapter pattern, you can connect the incompatible interface to the domain-specific interface the rest of your application expects.

Example - A drawing editor lets users draw & arrange graphical elements on a canvas. The main abstraction is a class called Shape which knows how to draw itself.

Most of the shapes in our app implement this interface & they can be used, but there is a TextView shape, coming from a third-party toolkit library which allows displaying & editing text, but doesn’t conform to the Shape interface. Implementing this widget yourself would be hard because TextView is a non-trivial component.

Instead, we can define a TextShape class which adapts the TextView to the Shape interface. This can be achieved by:

  • implementing Shape & inheriting TextView (class adapters)
  • composing a TextView and implementing Shape (object adapters)

Class adapters often require multiple inheritance which makes them inappropriate for most programming languages.

Object adapter example:

Object Adapter Example

In the above example, the TextManipulator is another class defined by us which knows how to animate a shape in response to user input.


Use the Adapter pattern when:

  • you want to use an existing class which has an incompatible interface
  • you want to implement a reusable class which can cooperate with unforeseen classes in the future, which have incompatible interfaces
  • you want to adapt the interface of many subclasses by not subclassing each one of them. How? - adapt the interface of their parent class. This is applicable to object adapters only.


Class Adapter:

Class Adapter

Object Adapter:

Object Adapter


  • Target (Shape) - The domain-specific interface the Client requires
  • Client (DrawingEditor) - Collaborates with objects which implement Target
  • Adaptee (TextView) - An existing interface which needs to be adapted
  • Adapter (TextShape) - Adapts the interface of Adaptee to Target


  • Clients call operations on the Adapter instance which are forwarded to the Adaptee


A class adapter:

  • adapts an Adaptee by inheriting it. Therefore, using class adapters you can’t adapt other subclasses
  • allows you to override some of Adaptee’s behavior

An object adapter:

  • lets an Adapter work with many Adaptees
  • can’t override Adaptee’s behavior

Other Concerns:

  • Pluggable adapters

An unsusual use-case for the Adapter pattern is to build your Target API with future adapters in mind. The general recommendation is to keep the expected interface small to allow for more & simpler adapters.

Example - a TreeDisplay class which is intended to visualize hierarchies can be made with future adapters in mind by using a small interface which can easily be adapted.

  • Two-way adapters - an Adapter hides the interface of the Adaptee. It is possible to implement the Adapter interface to conform to the Adaptee interface as well as the Target interface so that it can be used for both use-cases.

This, however, requires using a class adapter, which demands using multiple inheritance:

Two-way adapter example


Some issues to keep in mind: 1) When implementing class adapters in C++, the Adapter should inherit publicly from Target and privately from Adaptee 2) Pluggable adapters

This can be implemented:

  • Using abstract operations
Pluggable adapters example
  • Using delegate objects - TreeDisplay uses a separate objects to which it forwards requests. This object can be substituted to change the adaptation strategy
Pluggable adapters with Delegate

Sample Code

Example Shape interface which our app uses and an incompatible third-party TextView widget:

public interface Shape {
  BoundingBox getBoundingBox();
  Manipulator createManipulator();

public class TextView {
  Point getOrigin() { return null; }
  int getWidth() { return 0; }
  int getHeight() { return 0; }
  boolean isEmpty() { return false; }

BoundingBox - a tuple of two points, indicating the rectangle around the shape. Manipulator - object which knows how to animate the widget.

Example object adapter:

public class TextShape implements Shape {
  private final TextView textView;

  public TextShape(TextView tv) {
    this.textView = tv;

  public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
    Point origin = textView.getOrigin();
    int width = textView.getWidth();
    int height = textView.getHeight();

    return new BoundingBox(origin, new Point(origin.x + width, origin.y + height));

  public Manipulator createManipulator() {
    return new TextManipulator(this);

The only difference for the class adapter is that the class is declared as class TextShape extends TextView implements Shape and uses this.getWidth instead of textView.getWidth & etc.

Bridge’s structure is similar to the Adapter, but has a different intent - separate an interface from its implementation so that they can vary independently. Decorator enhances an object without changing its interface. Thus, it is more transparent to the application than an Adapter. Proxy defines a substitute for another object without changing its interface.

credit goes to @preslavmihaylov
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Hi, I am Upendra, the author in Human and machine languages,I don't know to how 3 liner bio works so just Connect with me on social sites you will get to know me better.