tutorial, paging_library_architecture, android,

Android - paging_library_architecture

Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 23, 2025 · 3 mins read
Android - paging_library_architecture
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Paging library

The Paging Library helps you load and display small chunks of data at a time. Loading partial data on demand reduces usage of network bandwidth and system resources.

The Paging Library supports the following data architectures:

  • Served only from a backend server;
  • Stored only in an on-device database;
  • A combination of the other sources, using the on-device database as a cache.

In the case of a network-only or database-only solution, the data flows directly to your app’s UI model. If you’re using a combined approach, data flows from your backend server, into an on-device database, and then to your app’s UI model. Every once in a while, the endpoint of each data flow runs out of data to load, at which point it requests more data from the component that provided the data. For example, when an on-device database runs out of data, it requests more data from the server.

Library architecture


The Paging Library’s key component is the PagedList class, which loads chunks of your app’s data, or pages. As more data is needed, it’s paged into the existing PagedList object. If any loaded data changes, a new instance of PagedList is emitted to the observable data holder from a LiveData or RxJava2-based object. As PagedList objects are generated, your app’s UI presents their contents, all while respecting your UI controllers’ lifecycles.

The following code snippet shows how you can configure your app’s view model to load and present data using a LiveData holder of PagedList objects:

class ConcertViewModel(concertDao: ConcertDao) : ViewModel() {
    val concertList: LiveData<PagedList<Concert>> =
            concertDao.concertsByDate().toLiveData(pageSize = 50)


Each instance of PagedList loads an up-to-date snapshot of your app’s data from its corresponding DataSource object. Data flows from your app’s backend or database into the PagedList object.

The following example uses the Room persistence library to organize your app’s data, but if you want to store your data using another means, you can also provide your own data source factory.

interface ConcertDao {
    // The Int type parameter tells Room to use a PositionalDataSource object.
    @Query("SELECT * FROM concerts ORDER BY date DESC")
    fun concertsByDate(): DataSource.Factory<Int, Concert>


The PagedList class works with a PagedListAdapter to load items into a RecyclerView. These classes work together to fetch and display content as it’s loaded, prefetching out-of-view content and animating content changes.

Benefits of using the Paging library

  • In-memory caching for your paged data. This ensures that your app uses system resources efficiently while working with paged data.
  • Built-in request deduplication, ensuring that your app uses network bandwidth and system resources efficiently.
  • Configurable RecyclerView adapters that automatically request data as the user scrolls toward the end of the loaded data.
  • First-class support for Kotlin coroutines and Flow, as well as LiveData and RxJava.
  • Built-in support for error handling, including refresh and retry capabilities.


credit goes to @swayangjit
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