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Android - no_image

Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 23, 2025 · 11 mins read
Android - no_image
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Side Effects

A side-effect is a change to the state of the app that happens outside the scope of a composable function. Due to composables’ lifecycle and properties such as unpredictable recompositions, executing recompositions of composables in different orders, or recompositions that can be discarded, composables should ideally be side-effect free. 1

However, sometimes side-effects are necessary, for example, to trigger a one-off event such as showing a snackbar or navigate to another screen given a certain state condition. These actions should be called from a controlled environment that is aware of the lifecycle of the composable. 2

State and effect use cases

LaunchedEffect: run suspend functions in the scope of a composable

To call suspend functions safely from inside a composable, use the LaunchedEffect composable. When LaunchedEffect enters the Composition, it launches a coroutine with the block of code passed as a parameter. The coroutine will be cancelled if LaunchedEffect leaves the composition. If LaunchedEffect is recomposed with different keys, the existing coroutine will be cancelled and the new suspend function will be launched in a new coroutine.

For example, showing a Snackbar in a Scaffold is done with the SnackbarHostState.showSnackbar function, which is a suspend function.

fun MyScreen(
    state: UiState<List<Movie>>,
    snackbarHostState: SnackbarHostState
) {

    // If the UI state contains an error, show snackbar
    if (state.hasError) {

        // `LaunchedEffect` will cancel and re-launch if
        // `scaffoldState.snackbarHostState` changes
        LaunchedEffect(snackbarHostState) {
            // Show snackbar using a coroutine, when the coroutine is cancelled the
            // snackbar will automatically dismiss. This coroutine will cancel whenever
            // `state.hasError` is false, and only start when `state.hasError` is true
            // (due to the above if-check), or if `scaffoldState.snackbarHostState` changes.
                message = "Error message",
                actionLabel = "Retry message"

        snackbarHost = {
            SnackbarHost(hostState = snackbarHostState)
    ) { contentPadding ->
        // ...

In the code above, a coroutine is triggered if the state contains an error and it’ll be cancelled when it doesn’t. As the LaunchedEffect call site is inside an if statement, when the statement is false, if LaunchedEffect was in the Composition, it’ll be removed, and therefore, the coroutine will be cancelled.

rememberCoroutineScope: obtain a composition-aware scope to launch a coroutine outside a composable

As LaunchedEffect is a composable function, it can only be used inside other composable functions. In order to launch a coroutine outside of a composable, but scoped so that it will be automatically canceled once it leaves the composition, use rememberCoroutineScope. Also use rememberCoroutineScope whenever you need to control the lifecycle of one or more coroutines manually, for example, cancelling an animation when a user event happens.

rememberCoroutineScope is a composable function that returns a CoroutineScope bound to the point of the Composition where it’s called. The scope will be cancelled when the call leaves the Composition.

Following the previous example, you could use this code to show a Snackbar when the user taps on a Button:

fun MoviesScreen(snackbarHostState: SnackbarHostState) {

    // Creates a CoroutineScope bound to the MoviesScreen's lifecycle
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()

        snackbarHost = {
            SnackbarHost(hostState = snackbarHostState)
    ) { contentPadding ->
        Column(Modifier.padding(contentPadding)) {
                onClick = {
                    // Create a new coroutine in the event handler to show a snackbar
                    scope.launch {
                        snackbarHostState.showSnackbar("Something happened!")
            ) {
                Text("Press me")

rememberUpdatedState: reference a value in an effect that shouldn’t restart if the value changes

LaunchedEffect restarts when one of the key parameters changes. However, in some situations you might want to capture a value in your effect that, if it changes, you do not want the effect to restart. In order to do this, it is required to use rememberUpdatedState to create a reference to this value which can be captured and updated. This approach is helpful for effects that contain long-lived operations that may be expensive or prohibitive to recreate and restart.

For example, suppose your app has a LandingScreen that disappears after some time. Even if LandingScreen is recomposed, the effect that waits for some time and notifies that the time passed shouldn’t be restarted:

fun LandingScreen(onTimeout: () -> Unit) {

    // This will always refer to the latest onTimeout function that
    // LandingScreen was recomposed with
    val currentOnTimeout by rememberUpdatedState(onTimeout)

    // Create an effect that matches the lifecycle of LandingScreen.
    // If LandingScreen recomposes, the delay shouldn't start again.
    LaunchedEffect(true) {

    /* Landing screen content */

To create an effect that matches the lifecycle of the call site, a never-changing constant like Unit or true is passed as a parameter. In the code above, LaunchedEffect(true) is used. To make sure that the onTimeout lambda always contains the latest value that LandingScreen was recomposed with, onTimeout needs to be wrapped with the rememberUpdatedState function. The returned State, currentOnTimeout in the code, should be used in the effect.

DisposableEffect: effects that require cleanup

For side effects that need to be cleaned up after the keys change or if the composable leaves the Composition, use DisposableEffect. If the DisposableEffect keys change, the composable needs to dispose (do the cleanup for) its current effect, and reset by calling the effect again.

As an example, you might want to send analytics events based on Lifecycle events by using a LifecycleObserver. To listen for those events in Compose, use a DisposableEffect to register and unregister the observer when needed.

fun HomeScreen(
    lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner = LocalLifecycleOwner.current,
    onStart: () -> Unit, // Send the 'started' analytics event
    onStop: () -> Unit // Send the 'stopped' analytics event
) {
    // Safely update the current lambdas when a new one is provided
    val currentOnStart by rememberUpdatedState(onStart)
    val currentOnStop by rememberUpdatedState(onStop)

    // If `lifecycleOwner` changes, dispose and reset the effect
    DisposableEffect(lifecycleOwner) {
        // Create an observer that triggers our remembered callbacks
        // for sending analytics events
        val observer = LifecycleEventObserver { _, event ->
            if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_START) {
            } else if (event == Lifecycle.Event.ON_STOP) {

        // Add the observer to the lifecycle

        // When the effect leaves the Composition, remove the observer
        onDispose {

    /* Home screen content */

In the code above, the effect will add the observer to the lifecycleOwner. If lifecycleOwner changes, the effect is disposed and restarted with the new lifecycleOwner.

SideEffect: publish Compose state to non-compose code

To share Compose state with objects not managed by compose, use the SideEffect composable, as it’s invoked on every successful recomposition.

For example, your analytics library might allow you to segment your user population by attaching custom metadata (“user properties” in this example) to all subsequent analytics events. To communicate the user type of the current user to your analytics library, use SideEffect to update its value.

fun rememberFirebaseAnalytics(user: User): FirebaseAnalytics {
    val analytics: FirebaseAnalytics = remember {

    // On every successful composition, update FirebaseAnalytics with
    // the userType from the current User, ensuring that future analytics
    // events have this metadata attached
    SideEffect {
        analytics.setUserProperty("userType", user.userType)
    return analytics

produceState: convert non-Compose state into Compose state

produceState launches a coroutine scoped to the Composition that can push values into a returned State. Use it to convert non-Compose state into Compose state, for example bringing external subscription-driven state such as Flow, LiveData, or RxJava into the Composition.

The producer is launched when produceState enters the Composition, and will be cancelled when it leaves the Composition. The returned State conflates; setting the same value won’t trigger a recomposition.

The following example shows how to use produceState to load an image from the network. The loadNetworkImage composable function returns a State that can be used in other composables.

fun loadNetworkImage(
    url: String,
    imageRepository: ImageRepository = ImageRepository()
): State<Result<Image>> {

    // Creates a State<T> with Result.Loading as initial value
    // If either `url` or `imageRepository` changes, the running producer
    // will cancel and will be re-launched with the new inputs.
    return produceState<Result<Image>>(initialValue = Result.Loading, url, imageRepository) {

        // In a coroutine, can make suspend calls
        val image = imageRepository.load(url)

        // Update State with either an Error or Success result.
        // This will trigger a recomposition where this State is read
        value = if (image == null) {
        } else {

derivedStateOf: convert one or multiple state objects into another state

Use derivedStateOf when a certain state is calculated or derived from other state objects. Using this function guarantees that the calculation will only occur whenever one of the states used in the calculation changes.

The following example shows a basic To Do list whose tasks with user-defined high priority keywords appear first:

fun TodoList(highPriorityKeywords: List<String> = listOf("Review", "Unblock", "Compose")) {

    val todoTasks = remember { mutableStateListOf<String>() }

    // Calculate high priority tasks only when the todoTasks or highPriorityKeywords
    // change, not on every recomposition
    val highPriorityTasks by remember(highPriorityKeywords) {
        derivedStateOf {
            todoTasks.filter { task ->
                highPriorityKeywords.any { keyword ->

    Box(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        LazyColumn {
            items(highPriorityTasks) { /* ... */ }
            items(todoTasks) { /* ... */ }
        /* Rest of the UI where users can add elements to the list */

In the code above, derivedStateOf guarantees that whenever todoTasks changes, the highPriorityTasks calculation will occur and the UI will be updated accordingly. If highPriorityKeywords changes, the remember block will be executed and a new derived state object will be created and remembered in place of the old one. As the filtering to calculate highPriorityTasks can be expensive, it should only be executed when any of the lists change, not on every recomposition.

When to use each

Use Cases of DisposableEffect:

  • Adding and removing event listeners;
  • Starting and stopping animations;
  • Bind and unbinding sensors resources such as Camera, LocationManager, etc;
  • Managing database connections.

Use Cases of LaunchedEffect:

  • Fetching Data from a Network;
  • Performing Image Processing;
  • Updating a Database.

Use Cases of SideEffect:

  • Logging and Analytics;
  • Performing One-Time Initialization such as setting up a connection to a Bluetooth device, loading data from a file, or initializing a library.


Here’s a summary of the differences between SideEffect, DisposableEffect, and LaunchedEffect:

  • SideEffect is executed when its parent Composable is recomposed and is useful for executing operations that do not depend on the Composable’s state or props;
  • DisposableEffect is executed when its parent Composable is first rendered and is useful for managing resources that need to be cleaned up when a Composable is no longer in use. It triggers on first composition or key change and it invokes onDispose method on termination;
  • LaunchedEffect executes a side effect in a separate coroutine scope, and is useful for executing long-running operations without blocking the UI thread. It triggers on first composition or key change.


Side-effects in Compose

Jetpack Compose Side Effects in Details

Further Reading

Jetpack Compose Side Effects Made Easy

Everything you need to know about Side Effects in Jetpack Compose with examples

Jetpack Compose Side Effects — LaunchedEffect With Example

credit goes to @swayangjit
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Hi, I am Upendra, the author in Human and machine languages,I don't know to how 3 liner bio works so just Connect with me on social sites you will get to know me better.