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Code - no_image

Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 23, 2025 · 2 mins read
Code - no_image
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Puzzle 1 - subscribeOn + observeOn

On which thread doSomething() will be executed?

    .subscribe { doSomething() }

A) Main thread

B) Computation


D) It’s not exectued


Puzzle 2 - 2 subscribeOn

On which thread doSomething() will be executed?

    .subscribe { doSomething() }

A) Main thread

B) Computation


D) It’s not exectued

B) Computation

Puzzle 3 - subscribeOn + 2 doOnSubscribe

On which order foo() and bar() will be executed?

    .doOnSubscribe { foo() }
    .doOnSubscribe { bar() }

A) foo() then bar()

B) bar() then foo()

C) only foo() is executed

D) It’s not executed

A) foo() then bar()

Puzzle 4 - 2 subscribeOn + 2 doOnSubscribe

On which order foo() and bar() will be executed?

    .doOnSubscribe { foo() }
    .doOnSubscribe { bar() }

A) foo() then bar()

B) bar() then foo()

C) only foo() is executed

D) only bar() is executed

B) bar() then foo()

Puzzle 5 - 3 subscribeOn + 2 doOnSubscribe

On which thread foo() and bar() will be executed?

    .doOnSubscribe { foo() }
    .doOnSubscribe { bar() }

A) foo() on Single then bar() on Computation

B) bar() on IO then foo() on Computation

C) bar() on Computation then foo() on Single

D) I give up

B) bar() on IO then foo() on Computation

Puzzle 6 - subscribeOn + timer

On which thread doSomething() will be executed?

Observable.timer(10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
    .subscribe { doSomething() }

A) doSomething is executed on IO

B) doSomething is executed on Single

C) doSomething is executed on Computation

D) doSomething is executed on main

C) doSomething is executed on Computation

Puzzle 7 - subscribeOn + Subject

On which thread doSomething() will be executed?

val subject = BehaviorSubject.create<String>()

    .subscribe { subject.onNext("any") }


subject.subscribe { doSomething(it) }

A) doSomething is executed on main

B) doSomething is executed on Computation

C) doSomething is not executed

D) doSomething is executed on io

A) doSomething is executed on main


RxJava2 puzzle: Do you understand subscribeOn?

Further reading

RxJava2 subscribeOn: How to use it

credit goes to @swayangjit
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Written by Upendra Follow
Hi, I am Upendra, the author in Human and machine languages,I don't know to how 3 liner bio works so just Connect with me on social sites you will get to know me better.