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Kotlin - no_image

Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 23, 2025 · 2 mins read
Kotlin - no_image
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## Default method in kotlin interface Before getting into Kotlin default method in interface ,lets go through the default interface mthod in Java which was introduced in Java 8 and @JvmDefault annotaion in Kotlin

default interface in Java

Why default method is introduced in Java 8

  • In a typical abstraction based design where an interface has one or more implementation if any new method is to be added to the interface then all the implementations will be forced to implement it.
  • default interface method is introduced to deal with this issue which allow us to add new methods to the interface that are automatically available to implementations. In this way backward compatibility is neatly preserved without having to refactor the implementers.
  • The most typical use of default methods in interfaces is to incrementally provide additional functionality to a given type without breaking down the implementing classes.

@JvmDefault annotation in Kotlin

  • @JvmDefault is an annotation + compiler flag in Kotlin to enable using Java 8 default interface methods.

  • @JvmDefault was introduced in Kotlin 1.2 which will be deprecated in nfavor of generating all the method bodies in interfaces directly when the code is compiled in a special mode.

A basic interface in Kotlin looks like following

 interface Car {  
    fun getNoOfWheels()  
} The java equvalent of the above Kotlin code is as follows

interface Car {  
    void getNoOfWheels();  
} Now lets add default implementation to the Kotlin code

interface Car {  
    fun getNoOfWheels() {}  
}    The java equivalent code will be as following

  interface Car {  
    void getNoOfWheels();  
    final class DefaultImpls {  
        public static void getNoOfWheels(Car instance) { }  
} - `DefaultImpls` is a compiler-generated construct for holding default implementations.In this case - the default `getNoOfWheels()` implementation. It's implemented as a static method by the same name, return type, an `instance` parameter (`this` references in the function body are modified to refer to the `instance` parameter), and finally any other parameters. - This is how Kotlin supports `default` methods even on Java 6 or 7.
  • Now lets consider adding @JvmDefault by adding configuration -Xjvm-default=enable

    interface Car {  
          @JvmDefault fun getNoOfWheels() {}  
      } Now in bytecode, It will use the native  `default`  interface method support and no longer uses  `DefaultImpls`.

    public interface Car {
    @JvmDefault default void getNoOfWheels() { }
    } If we use -Xjvm-default=compatibility, it will use both the native default support while also still generating the DefaultImpls API. This is important for backward binary compatibility.

    interface Car {
    @JvmDefault default void getNoOfWheels() { }

      final class DefaultImpls {  
          @JvmDefault public static void load(Car instance) {  
      }     }
credit goes to @swayangjit
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