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Libraries - no_image

Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 23, 2025 · 5 mins read
Libraries - no_image
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A pragmatic lightweight dependency injection framework for Kotlin developers. Written in pure Kotlin, using functional resolution only: no proxy, no code generation, no reflection. Koin is a DSL, a lightweight container and a pragmatic API.

Koin DSL

Application & Module DSL

Koin offers several keywords to let you describe the elements of a Koin Application:

  • Application DSL, to describe the Koin container configuration;
  • Module DSL, to describe the components that have to be injected.

Application DSL

A KoinApplication instance is a Koin container instance configuration. This will let your configure logging, properties loading and modules.

To build a new KoinApplication, use the following functions:

  • koinApplication { } - create a KoinApplication container configuration;
  • startKoin { } - create a KoinApplication container configuration and register it in the GlobalContext to allow the use of GlobalContext API;

Module DSL

A Koin module gather definitions that you will inject/combine for your application. To create a new module, just use the following function:

  • module { // module content } - create a Koin Module

To describe your content in a module, you can use the following functions:

  • factory { //definition } - provide a factory bean definition;
  • single { //definition } - provide a singleton bean definition (also aliased as bean);
  • get() - resolve a component dependency (also can use name, scope or parameters);
  • bind() - add type to bind for given bean definition;
  • binds() - add types array for given bean definition;
  • scope { // scope group } - define a logical group for scoped definition;
  • scoped { //definition } - provide a bean definition that will exists only in a scope.

Note: the named() function allow you to give a qualifier either by a string, an enum or a type. It is used to name your definitions.

Writing a module

A Koin module is the space to declare all your components. Use the module function to declare a Koin module:

val myModule = module {
   // your dependencies here

Starting Koin on Android

startKoin() from your Application

From your Application class you can use the startKoin function and inject the Android context with androidContext as follow:

class MainApplication : Application() {

    override fun onCreate() {

        startKoin {
            // Koin Android logger
            //inject Android context
            // use modules

Starting Koin with Android context from elsewhere?

If you need to start Koin from another Android class, you can use the startKoin function and provide your Android Context instance with just like:

startKoin {
    //inject Android context
    androidContext(/* your android context */)
    // use modules

Injecting in Android

Activity, Fragment & Service as KoinComponents

Activity, Fragment & Service are extended with the KoinComponents extension. You gain access to:

  • by inject() - lazy evaluated instance from Koin container;
  • get() - eager fetch instance from Koin container.

For a module that declares a ‘presenter’ component:

val androidModule = module {
    // a factory of Presenter
    factory { Presenter() }

We can declare a property as lazy injected:

class DetailActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    // Lazy injected Presenter instance
    override val presenter : Presenter by inject()

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // ...

Or we can just directly get an instance:

class DetailActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // Retrieve a Presenter instance
        val presenter : Presenter = get()

Injecting Android ViewModel

The koin-android Gradle module introduces a new viewModel DSL keyword that comes in complement of single and factory, to help declare a ViewModel component and bind it to an Android Component lifecycle.

val appModule = module {

    // ViewModel for Detail View
    viewModel { DetailViewModel(get(), get()) }


Your declared component must at least extends the android.arch.lifecycle.ViewModel class. You can specify how you inject the constructor of the class and use the get() function to inject dependencies.


  • The viewModel keyword helps declaring a factory instance of ViewModel. This instance will be handled by internal ViewModelFactory and reattach ViewModel instance if needed;
  • The viewModel keyword can also let you use the injection parameters.

Injecting your ViewModel

To inject a ViewModel in an Activity, Fragment or Service use:

  • by viewModel() - lazy delegate property to inject a ViewModel into a property;
  • getViewModel() - directly get the ViewModel instance.
class DetailActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    // Lazy inject ViewModel
    val detailViewModel: DetailViewModel by viewModel()



Koin documentation

Further reading

Kotzilla - Latest News

credit goes to @swayangjit
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Hi, I am Upendra, the author in Human and machine languages,I don't know to how 3 liner bio works so just Connect with me on social sites you will get to know me better.