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Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 23, 2025 · 3 mins read
Libraries - no_image
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@Binds vs @Provides

@Provides, the most common construct for configuring a binding, serves three functions:

  • Declare which type (possibly qualified) is being provided — this is the return type;
  • Declare dependencies — these are the method parameters;
  • Provide an implementation for exactly how the instance is provided — this is the method body.

While the first two functions are unique and critical to every @Provides method, the third can often be tedious and repetitive. So, whenever there is a @Provides whose implementation is simple and common enough to be inferred by Dagger, it makes sense to just declare that as a method without a body (an abstract method) and have Dagger apply the behavior.

But, if we were to just say that abstract @Provides methods should be treated as we do for @Binds methods, the specification of @Provides would basically be two specifications with a bunch of conditional logic. For example, a @Provides method can have any number of parameters of any type, but a @Binds method can only have a single parameter whose type is assignable to the return type. Separating those specifications makes it easier to reason about correctness because the annotation determines the constraints.

Why can’t @Binds and instance @Provides methods go in the same module?

Because @Binds methods are just a method declaration, they are expressed as abstract methods — no implementation is ever created and nothing is ever invoked. On the other hand, a @Provides method does have an implementation and will be invoked.

Since @Binds methods are never implemented, no concrete class is ever created that implements those methods. However, instance @Provides methods require a concrete class in order to construct an instance on which the method can be invoked.

What do I do instead?

The easiest change is to make the provides method static. In addition to being compatible with @Binds, they often perform better than instance provides methods. If the method must be an instance method (e.g. returns a value from a field), the easiest fix is to separate your @Provides methods and @Binds methods into two separate modules and include one from the other. A simple example that provides an HttpServletRequest and binds ServletRequest might look like:

@Module(includes = Declarations.class)
final class HttpServletRequestModule {
  interface Declarations {
    @Binds ServletRequest bindServletRequest(HttpServletRequest httpRequest);

  private final HttpServletRequest httpRequest;

  HttpServletRequestModule(HttpServletRequest httpRequest) {
    this.httpRequest = httpRequest;

Unfortunately, @Binds only works based on the rules below:

@Binds methods must have only one parameter whose type is assignable to the return type

So only a single parameter, and the type return is typically the interface of the given parameter object.

So we can replace @Provide annotation like this:

public HomePresenter provideHomePresenter() {
    return new HomePresenterImp();

to @Binds:

@Binds abstract HomePresenter bindHomePresenter(HomePresenterImp presenter);


Frequently Asked Questions
Dagger 2 @Binds vs @Provides
What is the use case for @Binds vs @Provides annotation in Dagger2

credit goes to @swayangjit
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