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Librariesandroid - no_image

Upendra Upendra Follow Jan 23, 2025 · 2 mins read
Librariesandroid - no_image
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Main annotations in Dagger 2

The main annotations in Dagger 2 are:

  • @Provides
  • @Inject
  • @Module
  • @Component
  • @Singleton


This annotation used for method that describe how to create instance of the class

fun provideSomeClass(): SomeClass = SomeClass()


Annotate an @Provides method or injectable class with @Singleton. The graph will use a single instance of the value for all of its clients.

fun provideSomeClass(): SomeClass = SomeClass()


the @Inject annotation will tell the Dagger what all the dependencies needed to be transferred to the dependent. Can be used in constructor, field or method.

Constructor injection:

class SomeClass @Inject constructor(
      private val interactor: Interactor,
      private val useCase: UseCase
) {...}

Field injection:

class SomeClass() {
  @Inject lateinit var viewModel: SomeViewModel
} {...}

Method injection:

class SomeClass() {
  lateinit var user: User

  fun getUserName(userFromPreference: UserFromPreference) {
    user = userFromPreference.getUser()

Dagger 2 manages the dependency graph of the classes that have the @Inject and @Provides annotation. Dagger cannot instantiate or inject classes that do not have neither @Inject nor @Provides annotations.


All @Provides methods must belong to a module. These are just classes that have an @Module annotation. Module provides the instance of dependencies.

interface SomeModule {
  fun provideSomeClass(): SomeClass = SomeClass()


The @Component is used on an interface. Such an interface is used by Dagger 2 to generate code. A @Component interface defines the connection between provider of objects (modules) and the objects which expresses a dependency.

@Component(modules = SomeModule.class)
interface ModuleComponent {
  SomeClass someClassInstance();


Using Dagger 2 for dependency injection in Android - Tutorial


Dependency injection with Dagger 2: @Inject and @Provides

Dagger 2- Annotations

Next questions

What the difference between @Bind and @Provides in Dagger 2?

credit goes to @swayangjit
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