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Kotlin - no_image
What is the difference between “*” and “Any” in genericsThe type MutableList<*> represents the list of something (you don’t know what exactly). So if you try to add something to...
In tutorial, no_image, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Kotlin - no_image
Destructuring declarationsDestructuring declarations, or destructuring for short, is a technique for unpacking a class instance into separate variables. This means that you can take a...
In tutorial, no_image, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Kotlin - coroutine_context
Coroutine Scope vs Coroutine Context
In tutorial, coroutine_context, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Kotlin - no_image
Sealed classes and interfaceSealed classes and interfaces represent restricted class hierarchies that provide more control over inheritance. All direct subclasses of a sealed class ar...
In tutorial, no_image, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Kotlin - no_image
Property references and :: operatorThe :: operator is known as the “member reference” or “callable reference” operator. It can be used to create a references to the following: Class ...
In tutorial, no_image, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Kotlin - no_image
Operator overloadingKotlin allows you to provide custom implementations for the predefined set of operators on types. These operators have predefined symbolic representation (like + o...
In tutorial, no_image, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Kotlin - no_image
object keywordThe object keyword allow you to define a class and create an instance of it in a single step. This is useful when you need either a reusable singleton instance or a one-...
In tutorial, no_image, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Kotlin - no_image
lateinitlateinit is a keyword used to define a property that will be initialized later. Unlike other properties declared with var, lateinit properties are not initialized at the time ...
In tutorial, no_image, kotlin, Jan 23, 2025Featured
Testing - no_image
In tutorial, no_image, testing, -
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Kt Coroutine
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Flutter interview questions
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Hilt DI Deep Dive
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