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Java - garbage_collection_step_1
Garbage Collection
In tutorial, garbage_collection_step_1, java, Jan 23, 2025Java - no_image
WildcardIn generic code, the question mark ?, called the wildcard, represents an unknown type. The wildcard can be used in a variety of situations: as the type of a parameter, field, ...
In tutorial, no_image, java, Jan 23, 2025Java - no_image
try-catch-finallyJava try, catch and finally blocks help in writing the application code which may throw exceptions in runtime and gives us a chance to either recover from exceptions ...
In tutorial, no_image, java, Jan 23, 2025Java - no_image
RecordJDK 14 introduces records, which are a new kind of type declaration. Like an enum, a record is a restricted form of a class. It’s ideal for “plain data carriers,” classes that c...
In tutorial, no_image, java, Jan 23, 2025Java - no_image
Double check pattern singletonDouble-checked locking of Singleton is a way to ensure only one instance of Singleton class is created through an application life cycle. As the name sug...
In tutorial, no_image, java, Jan 23, 2025Java - no_image
Default method in interfaceJava 8 allows to define default method in interface. Default methods allow us to add new methods in interface that are automatically available to it’s imple...
In tutorial, no_image, java, Jan 23, 2025Featured
Testing - no_image
In tutorial, no_image, testing, -
In featured, tutorial, android, -
Kt Coroutine
In featured, tutorial, android, -
Flutter interview questions
In Flutter, oneview, -
Hilt DI Deep Dive
In Android, DI,